Labels:book | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism OCR: Supreme Co:... No. 92-71 SEF IN THE Surrmr Emrt mf thu Huitrn Statrn OCTOBLR TERM 93 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE OF :H.1. STATF HE OREGON Petitioner ACF INDESTRIES. INC. t: at. Respondents. on Writ of Certiofari to the Uniter State Court ji Appeals Ninth BRIEF RESIONDENTS JAMEE W MCERIDE CARTER PHILLII'S HEISKELL BEARMAN, DONEI ADA LME LSON, RIDLEY CURIFTOPHER .. TT DRAHOZAL WILLIAMS IT CALWELL 1722 Tye Street, N.W 1211 Washingt Connecti ion F lcut C Ave. 920G N.W (202) Fashington, 736 8000 I.C 20006 {202} 331. -8501 Resnondents Septemher 2 Coansel of Record WILBON EPT PPINTINI; Co. ENS 7n -WASHINTON U.C. 2000 Sumrrmr Tuitrd KTOBER 1993 DEPARTMENI REVENCI Certiorari Unitet States ireuit RPSPONDE JAMES MCBRIDE CANTER PHIIPS DONE DKAHOZAL CALIWELL Conneeticut 9204G Coanse Resnontents September Cns ...